to the bones

Written By: Whitney Warne

I wear many hats, too many to count at this current juncture…

but if I were to toss a few in the air for all to see, they would be: business owner, photographer, trainer, speaker, leader, writer, creator, and last but not least, coach.

Being a coach….. It’s simply who I am.

I coach whether I’m behind the camera or behind your professional development.

It’s in my bones, but it’s also in my brain, in my research, in my writing, in the depths I’ve gone in my own emotional growth, and the compassion I’ve gained for people at every phase of their journey.

Even before I started to fortify myself with facts and trainings, I was helping people see who they really are and bring them back to their greatness, one cue and click at a time.

Why have I dedicated myself to transforming how people see themselves on the outside for over a decade?

Because I’ve always known that how you feel about your outsides has everything to do with how you feel on the inside.

If you reflect on any photoshoot you’ve had with me, you will likely recall how I coached not just your body, but your mindset.

I called you out on the lies you told yourself about your smile and your arms. I didn’t allow you to attack yourself in a vulnerable state. Instead, I asked you to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth to relax your nervous system.

And then I photographed the real you, and you were AWESOME.

If you’ve ever sat and listened to me shoot, you will notice that I talk to you each and everyone one of you differently, but exactly the same. How is it possible that everyone has the same experience, but you’re all unique?

What’s different is YOU: what you need to hear, how you respond, what I sense you really want from the shoot. I lean in and then so do you.

That’s how coaching works.

I listen to you.

I see you.

I reflect your greatness back to you (and call you on your shit).

Then you take it away. You show up and then you glow up.

In the photography world, clients want to give me 100% of the credit, but I’ve always been adamant it’s 50/50.

When I took a closer look, I come upon this reality: There’s no 50/50 without YOU first being at 100%, even if you’re dragging your ass across that scheduling threshold.

I produce constant results, but I can’t do anything, support anyone, impact anyone, without YOU having to do the hardest work first.

And we all know the first step, saying yes and showing up, is the hardest work.

So, what’s it take to get you to 100%?

This is all to say, I have 3 Executive Coaching Slots opening in May. I don’t expect they will stay open long.

You’ve seen how I can transform you with a camera and 10 mins, imagine how you’ll feel after 6 months of coaching.

So, tell me. Whose ready to shine? 💫

Whitney Warne